How to Change a WordPress Blog’s Publish Date?

How to Change a WordPress Blog’s Publish Date?

Over the years, WordPress has emerged as the best platform for blogging. And why wouldn’t it be? After all, it offers a remarkable user experience along with boasting uncountable free themes and widgets. Moreover, editing content on a WordPress site is extremely easy. 

Another crucial functionality that WordPress offers is the permission to change the publish date of a blog post. Yes, that is right! WordPress allows you to: 

  1. Publish a particular post on the spot
  2. Set the post publish date to a future date 
  3. Change the publish date of an uploaded post to a date and time in the past

In this article, you will learn how to schedule a post to be published in the future, as well as, how to edit the publish date of a post that has already gone live. So, without any further ado, let’s jump right into it. 

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